Franklin Twp, NJ – Man Charged with Death by Auto…FREE TO GO!
Emilio Ortega III, 41, is FREE TO GO after striking a Salem County couple riding their bikes in early February, killing Susan Kinnan and injuring her husband. Ortega, who was originally remanded to Salem County Correctional Facility, was released on Mar 2, 2017 by Court Order.
- Death by Auto
- Assault by Auto
- Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance (Xanax)
- ZERO Accountability
- ZERO Supervision
- ZERO Bail…just a “pinky promise” to return
Reported by NJ.com – Feb 22, 2017
FRANKLIN TWP. — A Monroeville man is now charged with death by auto after one of two bicyclists he hit with his car last week died on Monday, according to the Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office.
Emilio Ortega III, 41, was originally charged with two counts of assault by auto and unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance (Xanax) after hitting Susan L. Kinnan, 57, and her husband, John D. Kinnan Jr. 62, as they biked on Delsea Drive in Franklin Township on Feb. 15.

The Salem County couple were riding their bikes on the southbound shoulder of Delsea Drive around 2 p.m. when they were struck, authorities said
Ortega, who was driving a 2013 Hyundai Elentra, stopped at the scene.
John Kinnan was discharged from the hospital, but his wife suffered critical injuries in the crash.
Funeral services are planned for Sunday.
Ortega was released by Court Order from Salem County Correctional Facility Mar 2, 2017.
You’ve been LIED to New Jersey…NJ Bail Reform is RECKLESS, DANGEROUS, and YOU are PAYING for it.
* All Defendants confirmed released by court or own recognizance *
Sue Kinnan was the one killed in the accident. Please correct the error.
It has been corrected. Thank you.
This law that are elected officials have approved is a total slap in the face to all citizens in N.J..
NOW we let crimminals out of a secure HOLDING FACILITIES so they csn real more pain and suffering in are communities and then be allowed to escape prosecution is total Ludacris something needs to be done to fix this wright away.
This is not the first time this has happen. But I think something has to change with the system. It is tell everyone it is okay to get behind the wheel of a car weather you are on drugs or drink and drive. It is also okay to either hurt someone or kill someone if you are under the influence and to operate a vehicle. The thing of it is either the victims or and the families that get hurt. It is not fair. I don’t know what these judges or any of these people that pass this bill was thinking but I bet if it happen to one of there family member thing would change.
This idiot is a menace and dangerous to society. Now, he has the ability to get behind the wheel of a vehicle and take another life.
So someone goes to jail for a possession charge but he got caught with a controlled substance killed a harmless woman riding her bike, and it free to go on his way? This is ridiculous absolutely outrageous!!
please tell me this isn’t true. My husband got more of a fine for driving with an expired license ( by a month) almost 300 and a 100 surcharge every year for 3 years. This person not having to pay bail for death by auto is insane ..
100% true unfortunately. No accountability ☹️
So you can run a couple down kill one of them and get of Scott free this is BULLSHIT
More good old liberal laws passed by the Democrats. This kind of bullshit has to be stopped. Let your legislators know how you feel about this issue. Tell them to fix it or they can be replaced.
He’s at the impound yard picking up the car now, then straight to his dealers housefor more dope. This is a disgrace. If John Kinnan hunted this guy down and killed him, I bet he would not be let out on bail. My prayers go out to the Kinnan family.
First of all you have no idea what you’re talking about . This is a disabled man who was on prescription medication you’re making him sound like he’s a junkie driving around just trying to plow people down and killed them which is not the case he has a family to. They are very upset about the whole situation this man was locked up like an animal for two weeks . He is under supervision by his brother mother and his brothers pop . His brother and his pop we’re at his bail hearing and went up to the woman who passed away’s husband as well as many other family members of a Emilio and friends to give them your condolences I highly doubt anybody sets out when they get behind the wheel of a car and says to them selves G I think I’m going to run somebody over today . It’s a very very sad situation and a very unfortunate thing that happened their whole family is deeply saddened as well as Emilio himself . That’s why they call it an accident ! So please refrain from passing judgment because the same thing could very well happen to you. This is a very misleading article to state that there is no supervision that he could just get behind the wheel of a car first of all he is staying with his mother and brother and is not behind the wheel of a car . He is following every order that was given to him on the day that he was released . Let’s leave the judging to the court system . People like you are making matters worse . He is a loving father of two children not a drug attic as you state !
Marybeth Conway he was found to be in possession of an illegal substance. He was not prescribed this drug and this isn’t his first time driving under the influence. Susan was a dear friend and she was taken from us. People like YOU make matters worse. Susan went to church every Sunday and more and now she is gone.
Young Simon, you need to know what the facts are before you post something!! You have Mr. Ortega as removing his car from the impound yard on March 5th?? Well your erroneous accusations of that are false and the car in fact is still at the impound yard!! My Condolences as well as many of my Friends and Family were given to Mr. Kinnan at the hearing and ALL our HEARTS go out to Mr. Kinnan and his Family and Friends.
Young Simon, once again you need to get your facts straight before you post something!! Mr. Ortega is not a so call “Junkie” !! He is on prescribed medication from his doctors. He was in a accident several years which caused him to be on these medications. So once again before you accuse someone or something or being someone that there not get your facts straight!! He is very sad and hurt enough of the misfortune that has happened to Mrs. Kinnan.
Thank you so much Marybeth Conway for commenting on this. It makes me sick that ppl comment on here and don’t no nothing about Emilio. Emilio is a good man with a good heart that went to church every Sunday. Ppl how do you think that Emilio feels knowing that he killed a woman and that he has to live with this the rest of his life. I’m just so sick of judge mental ppl no the facts before you decide posting something. Emilio and his Family are the most loving and caring ppl I know. It makes me sick when they assume he is a drug addict when they no nothing about why he was on them. I understand ppl are upset about Mrs.Kinnan my heart breaks for her husband and family but Emilio didn’t go out that day to kill anyone . That’s why they are call accidents. My heart goes out to the Kinnan Family and the Ortega Family.