Manchester Township man arrested with 10 kilos of Heroin with a street value of 1 MILLION dollars is FREE TO GO under NJ Bail Reform.
- ZERO Accountability
- ZERO Supervision
- ZERO Bail…just a “pinky promise” to return
State Police Arrest Manchester Man and Seize $1 Million worth of Heroin
As reported on New Jersey State Police Facebook page – Mar 8, 2017
Manchester Township, N.J. – The New Jersey State Police, with assistance from the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office and Manchester Police Department have arrested Artemio Gayton, 43, of Manchester Township, N.J. after detectives seized more than $1 Million worth of heroin from his residence.
During a week-long investigation, State Police detectives from the Trafficking South Unit discovered that Gayton was distributing heroin in Manchester Township. On Wednesday, March 1, detectives, along with members of the New Jersey State Police Crime Suppression Central Unit, located and arrested Gayton during a car stop. Further investigation led detectives to Gayton’s residence where they seized 10 kilograms of heroin.
Artemio Gayton was charged with possession of heroin and possession of heroin with intent to distribute. He was released pending a court appearance.
This case is being prosecuted by the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice.
Charges are mere accusations and the suspect is considered innocent until proven guilty.
This is the worst bail reform. This criminal should be in jail. No bail. No he put on our streets probably right back to dealing drugs , committing other crimes and no less will go on the run when it comes time for him to appear in court. What is going on. You have ppl in jail for a traffic violation but drug dealers are set free. Dear God Please Help Us.
So…he most likely will not be back to selling drugs. Matter of fact I’m willing to bet he will be found dead. 10 kilos is alot of money and the one he works for will end him
Prosecutor needs to file a motion for no bail. Did they?
I would imagine that they did. We have not been able to confirm although our sources say that the prosecutors office was NOT happy with the release.
Great job Gov Christie! Just to save some money ????? This is hypocritical to your let’s help those with addiction by allowing the dealers to go free with a slap on the wrist! Your a failed governor and Presidential candidate!
People are you just that stupid? Bail or no bail innocent until proven guilty?
Where is fat boy gov put this prick under the jail
real nice . let him.out no bail no supervision to go kill some more ppl. that really nice
What a disgrace!
Innocent until proven guilty is a JOKE in this situation The drug issue in this State alone are just beyond out of control. This is a HUGE fail in the so called system. It’s just disgusting. If we fix loop holes just to make more loop holes , what exactly is the point ? Get it together Government!!! Or an entire generation is just going to disappear because of this nonsense.
I am new to commenting, but if i were in the courts ruling I would let him walk for know he would just go back to what he was doing to see if he get more from a bigger source, then I would tke them down and him with them, I could be wrong I am not very educated in the field but that is what I would do , Sit back and observe more to see if i could get the bigger picture in the end, If that is not what they are doing then shame on them!!!
Ok, just to be clear. This guy did not commit a violent crime, also, he has not been tried and found guilty of what he is accused/charged. I know you people on the internet bed eve you know the whole story from reading a few sentences about it, but you do not. How about this accuse you of something and we lock you under the jail without bail before your court date. See how you feel about things then