New York – No Bail No Jail – Senator Michael Gianaris of Queens Makes His Push

Senator Michael Gianaris of Queens joins the "movement" to make New York streets less taxpayers expense.

Across America, organizations that care more about a criminal's rights than the rights of innocent victims are spewing propaganda to set people who commit misdemeanor crimes free without bail.

If you think misdemeanor crimes aren't so bad, here are some misdemeanors in NYS: assault, sexual abuse, endangering the welfare of a child, endangering the welfare of the physically or mentally disabled, menacing, reckless endangerment, stalking, strangling, forcible touching, unlawful imprisonment, arson, killing or injuring a police or service animal, aggravated assault and much more.

Domestic violence victims suffer many of the abuses listed above when their attacker decides to use them as a punching bag. Forcible touching is usually what pedophiles are charged with along with endangering the welfare of a child. Still think misdemeanors aren't so bad?

On January 24, 2017 Senator Michael Gianaris of Queens succumbed to the rhetoric being espoused by criminal rights activists and introduced S.B. 3579 – we call it the “No Bail = No Jail” bill because, if it passes, suspects of misdemeanor crimes won’t have to post surety bail to be set free.